diagnose autisme door onderzoek

Diagnosing autism through assessment

Your child is (possibly) going in for an autism assessment, also called diagnostics, to see if he/she might have autism (ASD). But what can you expect from this?

Below you will read:

  • what diagnostics is;
  • who you will deal with during this process;
  • and what you can expect as a parent when you sign your child up for an autism assessment.

What is diagnostics?

Diagnostics can identify your child's stronger and weaker areas of development. You and your child have conversations with specialists and assessments are done. The goal is to ultimately create a treatment plan tailored to your child.

Who are the people involved in the assessment?

As your child goes in for an autism assessment, you will meet with several specialists. For example, you will meet with:

  • a child and adolescent psychiatrist or clinical psychologist;
  • a gz psychologist;
  • other behavioural scientists, such as a remedial educationalist.

It might be the case that you also meet with other specialists. They will then share their knowledge. Think for example of a paediatrician, paediatric neurologist, speech therapist or physiotherapist. These specialists work in a team at organisations that know a lot about developmental and behavioural problems (such as ASD) in young children.

Often these organisations are connected to the Landelijk Expertisenetwerk Autisme Jonge Kind (AJK). This means that they all conduct the assessment and counselling/treatment in much the same way. They work on the basis of the latest guidelines and scientific insights.

There are also organisations that are not (yet) connected with the AJK, but that can conduct good diagnostic assessments and/or can offer treatment/counselling. Read more about what exactly you can and should expect from a good diagnostic assessment..

Assessment steps for young children

What can you expect from a good assessment of young children (0-6 years)? It always consists of a number of components. The entire development of your child within the family is examined. You can download the step-by-step plan here: What can you expect from an autism assessment for young children (0-6 years)It gives you an overview of what to expect as a parent when you sign your child up for an autism assessment.
