

FloorPlay is play therapy for young children (0-7 years) who do not have as straightforward a development. It aims to strengthen your child's engagement and focus on his/her environment. The parent-child relationship is central to FloorPlay. This means that you as a parent play an important role in this form of therapy.

During FloorPlay, you will work together with your child. Your child plays and you follow. You connect with his/her interests. For example: Your child plays with a doll and becomes totally absorbed in it. You pick up a doll as well. You suggest that the dolls become friends and play together. Your child does not respond to that suggestion. Instead, he/she moves the doll away, towards the door of the room. You now also move your puppet towards that door and ‘block’ the passage. This way, you challenge your child to interact with you.

So with Floorplay, you learn how to let your child have new experiences through play. Experiences in the areas of play, interaction and communication. You also help your child make sense of everyday (emotional) experiences. The goals and play techniques used in Floorplay are different for each child.
