wat is autisme

What is autism (ASD)?

The brains of people with autism work differently. They process information in a different way and that often leads to unexpected and unusual reactions.

From the outside, so from their behaviour, you see people with autism experience difficulties with

  • het contact leggen met andere mensen en het begrijpen van sociale situaties;
  • de manier waarop zij met andere mensen communiceren;
  • het kunnen aanpassen van gedrag of interesses;
  • bewegingen.

On the inside, so at brain level, someone with autism processes information in greater detail. This comes at the expense of seeing coherences. This is why people with autism often have difficulty with:

  • filtering important and less important information.
  • processing information (takes more time).
  • het verwerken en toepassen van nieuwe informatie (zich minder goed kunnen aanpassen).

What these problems look like differs depending on the person, age and environment.

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